Elizabeth Bridges - Writer, Professor, Reviewer

Category: Fiction

Her Name in the Sky by Kelly Quindlen – WLW YA Book Review

Since this is the first in a series of posts, I’ll give a little background. Most of my recent pieces have been about TV’s The 100, specifically with regard to the unfortunate turn it took in Season 3 with the death of favorite lesbian character Lexa, and the conversation that has started about the problematic depiction of WLWs (women who love women) on TV in general.

Having been trained in a near-Pavlovian manner to expect heartbreak any time I see a woman show any romantic interest in another woman onscreen, I decided to seek elsewhere for better representation. One of my first stops was Amazon’s kindle store. I mean, if you can find dinosaur-themed erotica and “uniporn*” for kindle, why can’t you also find a quaint little lesbian teen love story or two? Well, it turns out you can. I had to look around for a bit and weed through the smut – because the kindle store delivers that in spades to be sure – but indeed there are several good stories out there for young women who find themselves in love with the girl next door.
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Why fiction?

This is the second part of a 2-part post. Here’s part 1.

After my first experience in writing fiction when I did NaNoWriMo a few years ago, I’ve continued to write. However, I haven’t tended to create completed pieces because I didn’t have the pressure of the contest to give me that structure. So I have notebooks and computer files of various ideas in various stages of non-completion.
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