Elizabeth Bridges - Writer, Professor, Reviewer

Category: On Writing

The Upside-Down: My Very Queer Year, Part 2

The Upside-Down

This is the second of a two-part series detailing my very strange, harrowing, wonderful year starting in March 2016. You can find Part 1 here.

As you might know from that post, or from Twitter, or from somewhere, I ended up on the program at ClexaCon, like a lot. And you may have asked yourself, as I have many times: who is this random professor, and how did she end up in March 2017 speaking before a crowd in Las Vegas, at a media con featuring a bunch of famous stars and journalists with large followings? Keep in mind my usual crowds at your typical prof-style conferences are very specialized academics in some esoteric literary interest area (queer studies in the German novella, anyone?), usually about 5 of them, or like 20 on a good day. Needless to say, CC was not my typical venue. Continue reading


Why fiction?

This is the second part of a 2-part post. Here’s part 1.

After my first experience in writing fiction when I did NaNoWriMo a few years ago, I’ve continued to write. However, I haven’t tended to create completed pieces because I didn’t have the pressure of the contest to give me that structure. So I have notebooks and computer files of various ideas in various stages of non-completion.
Continue reading


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