Elizabeth Bridges - Writer, Professor, Reviewer

Category: Queer Representation (Page 1 of 2)

The Utopian Masculinity of Queer Eye

Since I’ve been more “out” about my involvement in media studies the last couple of years, at any given time I get a lot of people asking me “What are you watching?” For the longest I’ve been recommending Wynonna Earp and the like. It’s still a very fun show, and I continue to advocate for it, but we’ve gotten a new crop of LGBTQ rep featured on network shows like Black Lightning (Stop sleeping on this one, y’all!) and streaming fare such as One Day at a Time and Everything Sucks. I’ll hopefully get to those on this blog as well, but right now I want to put in a plug for the new Queer Eye. Continue reading


The Upside-Down: My Very Queer Year, Part 2

The Upside-Down

This is the second of a two-part series detailing my very strange, harrowing, wonderful year starting in March 2016. You can find Part 1 here.

As you might know from that post, or from Twitter, or from somewhere, I ended up on the program at ClexaCon, like a lot. And you may have asked yourself, as I have many times: who is this random professor, and how did she end up in March 2017 speaking before a crowd in Las Vegas, at a media con featuring a bunch of famous stars and journalists with large followings? Keep in mind my usual crowds at your typical prof-style conferences are very specialized academics in some esoteric literary interest area (queer studies in the German novella, anyone?), usually about 5 of them, or like 20 on a good day. Needless to say, CC was not my typical venue. Continue reading


An Open Letter to YouTube

Dear YouTube,

In adjusting your “restricted” algorithms in such a way that much of your LGBTQ content is now blocked from normal view, you have sent a message to LGBTQ people, especially to young people. You have sent the message that our lives are “inappropriate content.” Continue reading


Buffy at 20 – or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Slayer

Buffy series finale, “Chosen,” S7E22

It’s funny to think of Buffy as 20 years old, since it isn’t for me, not exactly. I mean, I became aware of the show at its outset. I had seen the lackluster 1992 movie of the same title a few years before, which had followed in the wake of some pretty hilarious teen satires like The Brady Bunch Movie (Sure, Jan!) and the darkly comedic apotheosis of all 80s teen fare, Heathers. The trailers and the title certainly set it in that light, so my friends and I had high hopes. Unfortunately, the story meandered, and the humor kept its fangs retracted, despite a potentially great cast in Kristy Swanson, Luke Perry, Donald Sutherland, and even Rutger Hauer for god’s sake. We even got a very young Hilary Swank. When I heard this property had been turned into a show, I merely rolled my eyes. Continue reading

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