The Uncanny Valley

Elizabeth Bridges - Writer, Professor, Reviewer

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The Rollercoaster Descends – Season 3, Episode 5, “Hakeldama”

What this episode lacks in death duels and cute nightgown repartee, it makes up for in important plot advancement. We need that sometimes – like working out or taking gross medicine or eating kale – as much as we don’t actually want it. I’ll do my best to keep things light, despite the less-than-hilarious nature of this episode. I mean, it’s The 100. It’s gonna be dark sometimes. Continue reading

Buckle Up, Y’all – Season 3, Episode 4, “Watch the Thrones”

Well, in case you thought the intensity of Season 3 would slow down, think again. I’m afraid it might have just started, if Ep 4 is any indication. Buckle your seatbelts, friends. Some major skrish is about to go down. That’s Trigedasleng for “shit” incidentally. I will not pretend to not be a ridiculous nerd for this show. It had me at “space station” and “ruined Earth.” The gay stuff has just been really unexpected, delightful icing on the cake. Continue reading

The Spit™ – Season 3, Episode 2, “Wanheda, Part 2”

This episode begins with Bellamy’s “we were born in space” intro again, so that seems to be a staple for this season. This time I noticed he says, “Our leaders believe that to survive we need to make peace with the Grounders, but peace is a foreign concept here.” This is largely opinion on Bellamy’s part, and I feel like he’s almost definitely speaking based on Pike’s influence on him, which we begin to see this episode. More on that below. Continue reading

Clarke Goes Feral and other stories – The 100 Recaps, S3 E1 “Wanheda, Part I”

S3PosterHere we are. I can’t believe it. The greatly anticipated premiere of the third season of my favorite show, The 100. I really can’t relate to you how excited I was for this premiere. And In general, I was pleased that it largely lived up to my anticipation. Incidentally, my alternate title for this post was, “The One Where Clarke Bangs a Lady,” but I decided to keep it classy. More on the significance of that below.

With this new season, we get a new opener, this time with Bellamy talking. This touch is presumably, once again, to get new folks on board with the premise of the show. Bellamy mentions that they are “searching for other survivors from the Ark.” It hadn’t occurred to me until I read about this element of the story in an interview, but we can’t assume that only the Chancellor’s section of the Ark survived the crash landing. Other sections might have made it too. It will be interesting to see how they fared, if we ever get to. There is So. Much. happening already this season, I almost don’t know where to begin.   Continue reading

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