Elizabeth Bridges - Writer, Professor, Reviewer

Tag: recaps (Page 2 of 4)

“Welcome to Purgatory” – Wynonna Earp 1×01

WELogoNote: This is a reboot of my stalled watch-along recap series, which I’m re-launching as part of the countdown to the premiere of Wynonna Earp Season 2 in early June on SyFy. Apologies to those of you who read the previous version of this post.

As many of my ladyqueer friends and allies may recall, 2016 was, in short, devastatingly awful for TV fans. But thanks to Emily Andras of Lost Girl fame and her SyFy series Wynonna Earp, we did get one sparklingly bright spot. So I (re-)welcome you to this rewatch-recap series. I suggest it as a watchalong as we prepare ourselves for Season 2. I’m also happy to note that all 13 episodes of Season 1 are conveniently available on Netflix, so the show is a lot more accessible than it was when I first attempted this series of posts. Continue reading


Candles and Sin – Season 3, Episode 6, “Bitter Harvest”

lexacandlesThe fandom this week had absolutely zero chill. Things quickly went from zero to a million hilarious memes about Lexa’s candle collection, to off-the-charts speculation about potential smut on the show (and beyond), which degenerated into Sin Day, which we shall never speak of again. And generally there was a lot of speculation about a possible kiss between Clarke and Lexa because the night episode 6 aired was the one-year anniversary since the fateful kiss that launched a million gifs. Turns out no kiss, but we did get the drawing scene. And apparently there was a lot of ugly hate on twitter, but I don’t venture on there often. My knowledge of happenings there is largely second-hand. Continue reading


The Rollercoaster Descends – Season 3, Episode 5, “Hakeldama”

What this episode lacks in death duels and cute nightgown repartee, it makes up for in important plot advancement. We need that sometimes – like working out or taking gross medicine or eating kale – as much as we don’t actually want it. I’ll do my best to keep things light, despite the less-than-hilarious nature of this episode. I mean, it’s The 100. It’s gonna be dark sometimes. Continue reading


Buckle Up, Y’all – Season 3, Episode 4, “Watch the Thrones”

Well, in case you thought the intensity of Season 3 would slow down, think again. I’m afraid it might have just started, if Ep 4 is any indication. Buckle your seatbelts, friends. Some major skrish is about to go down. That’s Trigedasleng for “shit” incidentally. I will not pretend to not be a ridiculous nerd for this show. It had me at “space station” and “ruined Earth.” The gay stuff has just been really unexpected, delightful icing on the cake. Continue reading

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